If you are like the majority of office workers, you spend as much time in your desk chair as you do in your bed. Those sedentary hours wreak havoc on your body if you sit in a chair that isn’t designed for proper ergonomics — a word that comes from the Greek “ergon,” meaning work, and “nomoi,” which means natural law.

With so many people spending their workday sitting in front of a computer — a position that is not natural for the body to hold for long periods of time — cumulative stress contributes to problems like bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, headache, poor posture, and eye strain, including blurriness, eye pain, dry eyes, and reduced focusing ability.

Because most of these problems come on slowly, it’s often difficult to recognize them until the pain becomes severe enough to limit function. Ergonomically designed workstations and chairs help to prevent damage before it begins, leading to a more comfortable and healthy workplace.


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